My Place for Sharing Photos, corat-coretku

If you have read my profile page, you already know that this blog isn't only my blog. Yes, I run 3 blogs for now.

jurnal coretanku is my main blog where I write my daily life in Indonesian. cerita coretanku, this blog, is my daily life blog for practicing my English. Lastly, corat-coretku is a blog for sharing some photos.

My Place for Sharing Photos, corat-coretku
corat-coretku, a blog where I share my photos.

Well, this time I'll talk about corat-coretku. That blog is a place where I share photos, not so-called graphics design, and editing.

I know tumblr is a famous blog platform especially if you like photography. That's the reason I choose it. I just want a simple blog where I can some photos for fun.

I usually post the photos that got rejected from my Shutterstock on tumblr. Why? Well, it's always fun to share some moments that I capture in a photo. So, why not?

To be honest, I also think that I can use my tumblr as a portfolio for some kinds of stuff. So, here I'm! I keep sharing some photos on tumblr until now.

If you ask me, do I like photography? Yes, I do. I have zero knowledge about this but I love capturing moments by photo.

It feels as if the photo gives me a memento that I can't forget. I also think a photo can describe some events better than words.

The other reason for me to start learning photography is because I'm blogging. Well, as you can see I use some photos in my writing. So, I need to improve it somehow. After pulling my courage, I start to learn some stuff related to photography.

My Place for Sharing Photos, corat-coretku
Editing a photo before share it on my blog.

I still am a newbie in this field and I need to learn a lot. For now, after taking a picture I usually edit it in Lightroom or Photoshop. After that, I share it on tumblr. I also write some descriptions related to the photos. Yes, I write in Indonesian or English based on my mood.

Until now, I use my phone camera for photography. I'm thinking about buying a camera and an action camera too. But, not for now since I don't have much money and the camera isn't my top priority for now.

My Place for Sharing Photos, corat-coretku
A posting about my daily life on corat-coretku.

Not only share some portfolios that got rejected, I sometimes share a photo of my daily life. Some photos related to articles on jurnal coretanku and cerita coretanku were also shared on my tumblr.

By the way, I mostly share photos about food on my tumblr until today. But, as time passes by, I believe I'll upload more.

I guess that's all a chitchat about a blog where I share my photos. I'll update you about it again next time.

Please, do visit my tumblr and my Shutterstock if you're interested. Thank you and have a nice day!

restyu, 180822.


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